Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Show 'Looks at jail, "Tales of Ordinary

Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 19:00
opening of the exhibition
"Looks about prison "
S'Umbra, go in San Jose 17 - Cagliari (Castle)

Show 'Looks at jail' - 35 drawings by Laurent Jacqui on prison
Laurent Jacqui in a jail in 1984, only 18 years. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, he discovers to be HIV positive, and, thinking they were close to death, escapes October 9, 1994 in the hope of dying off. The day chosen is no accident: in France the death penalty was abolished as an October 9, and Laurent Jacqui wants to show that illness in prison are sentenced to death.
Prisoner again, with the status of DPS (especially supervised inmate) that held for 15 years, began to write. In 2003 Laurent Jacqui public carcérale La Guillotine. Silence, on meurt (The guillotina carcerale. Silence, Die), his first book in which he recounts his path.
begins in 2006, from his cell in the prison of Moulins, the first detainee to blog, "Vu de prison" (look from prison), which is published on the website of the newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur , avoiding censorship of the prison. In this blog "pirate" says 25 years in prison, five years of isolation: the complaint, the violence generated by the prison system, the absence of meaning of the sentence, prison conditions that encourage recidivism, and the fate of the sick. In 2010, the blog becomes a book: the J'ai mis feu à la prison (I set fire to the prison ).
On January 12, 2010, Jacqueline Laurent exit. She continues her blog (which is now called "Vue sur la prison" (look on the prison) and works for the Nouvel Observateur and several associations fighting against AIDS. He joined the University to study literature, organizes exhibitions and wrote a play. A film is shooting on his life, with actor Stomy Bugsy and rapper in the role of Laurent Jacque.
The exhibition "Glimpses from prison. In May 2010 the" Genepi 'association of students for education in prison has asked Laurent Jacqui 20 designs to create a traveling exhibition; The exhibition arrives in Cagliari in September at the Marina Café Noir festival with 15 other original designs. Drawings and legends tell of the prison, its violence, the hell of detention, the change in perception of time and proximity to death. All works were done in prison and are composed of hand-made drawings and collage pieces for newspapers.


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