Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chs Gold Straighteners

Senate green light to "empty jails" to combat overcrowding. Looks

The Senate approved a final design law that allows home detention for those who have served sentences of less than one year. The "empty jails" should be useful to buffer the explosive situation of overcrowding in Italian prisons in prison waiting for a special plan. A measure that has already been approved in the House and becomes law. They voted for Pdl, Lega Nord and Fli, abstained PD, IDV and UDC. Will benefit by December 31, 2013, all inmates who miss 12 months to complete the period of detention. The prison sentence will be carried out in the home of the offender or in another public or private treatment, care and warmth that can be called a home. The government ensures that the Bill should cover at least seven thousand prisoners, and should allow the recruitment of about 2,000 prison officers to fill the shortage of staff.
no lack of controversy. For the voluntary sector ("Antigone" and "A good law") and the UIL union, "the decree is merely a smokescreen." The many restrictions in the law would restrict the recipients, which would be only 1,500. Also in Sardinia following the excerpt in the bill "empty jails" article which provided for the automatic suspension of the imprisonment with probation in the services industry, professional associations, "Nov. 5" and "Prisoner Unknown" by emphasizing its "useless and Malicious "of the measure. For associations leaving it to judges to decide whether to send a prisoner under house arrest, the sense the bill has been distorted and result in a useless measure. "The prisons sardines remain places of suffering, illegal dumps human, uncivilized and unconstitutional Sardinian and detainees continue to be stored and forgotten in the cells as before."
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has shown that overcrowding in Italian prisons is inhuman and degrading treatment. According to the site "Innocenti avoidance data updated to November 22, 2010, the regulatory capacity is 43,327 units, while the inmates are present. 69,313 of which 25,311 foreigners. For the Ministry of Justice, from the data updated 21 October 2010, the regulatory capacity is 44,962 units, and prisoners are present. 68,795. The Ministry does not provide any data on the presence of foreigners. The prison affects emergency Sardinia. According to the latest data UilPa prisons, prisons of Sardinia, there are a total of 2,368 inmates against a capacity of 1,970, with an average index of overcrowding of 20.2%, the lowest nationally.


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