Confartigianato Enna. Lessons for employers responsible for security and for escavator. The memory of Raciti
The provincial secretary of Confartigianato, Rosa Zarba announces the start of a training course for employers who cover the role of security officers within the company and a training course for escavator . For both courses, entries must be formalized by March 30 by completing the appropriate tab at the door "Safety" Seat via Borremans, 53 or responsible for sending it to the door Eloisa Tamburella, already complete, fax number 0935-20418.
The first course is aimed at employers who have already attended the lessons of the training course "Safety Officer" or current self-appointed ASL Catania and Enna of the Inspectorate of Labour in December 2006 to continue to carry out its tasks of the prevention and protection of their workplaces. Indeed, the latter are obliged to attend the training course according to the criteria identified in the new decree (article 34 d.lgs.81/2008). Failure to update will nullify the role of responsible and also in danger of incurring penal and administrative sanctions provided for by the standard.
The second course, however, that for escavator is aimed at workers already experienced in running construction equipment to be trained in the safe use of construction equipment (pursuant to Art. 73 of Legislative Decree no. 81 / 2008) and which meet the following requirements: age, experience at least two years and continuing into the conduct of construction equipment, medical fitness for the job, ability to read documents in Italian. The course has a duration of 16 hours, divided into two 8-hour days with mandatory attendance for the award of
Marta Furnari
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