Sunday, January 30, 2011

Clock Tower Bus Schedule

"Discipline and Punish: The faces of repression. From the beating of San Sebastian to the "seizure" of Civitavecchia.

(IlMinuto) - Cagliari, January 29, 2011

The shepherds of MPS "seized" in the port of Civitavecchia, the case Bellomonte Bruno, forced evictions of migrants from Senegal in the middle Cagliari, the murder of Carlo Giuliani, the deaths of Joseph and Aldo Scardella Casu. These are just some of the names and facts of past and present linked by wire "black" the repression of which has been discussed in the assembly "Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault's essay, which took place yesterday evening at the headquarters of Cagliari social forum. As a Lanusei about 60 people participated for more than three hours meeting organized by the CSF, the Anti-Racism Network and the collective anti-Sardinian Association and coordinated by Roberto Loddo November 5. "They loaded people who defended the territory. They loaded the workers and pastors. We can not know. We can not ignore. At this gathering - said Dina Ray Csf introduction of the assembly - we do not want only denounce the repression, but also jointly find ways to counteract this drift fascist. " According to Elias Vacca, lawyer and parliamentarian of the PDCI in the term 2006-2008, the episodes that have ignited the resulting repression are two: the beating in the prison of San Sebastiano Sassari in the April 3, 2000 (full center-left government) and the events in Genoa in July 2001 with the killing of Carlo Giuliani.

"The establishment of the Commission of Inquiry into the G8 - said Vacca - was rejected in 2007 by a vote determinant of Italy of Values. In every segment of society - said - is gradually establishing and perfecting a system of repression unprecedented. Repression that has been made much easier with the reintroduction of outrage a public official in 009 ". Charge of contempt from which - said the lawyer on the basis 20-year process - it is almost impossible to defend successfully. The intervention of the Anti-Racism Network has focused on the face of discriminatory prosecution, the complaint with the function of the CPA Elmas - called "real prison camp for immigrants "- and suffered raids by Senegalese immigrants in Cagliari and Quartu Sant Elena. Starting from the memory of the beating of miners in the Carbosulcis in front of Deputies in 1995 - 16 years ago - Antonello Tidd has reconstructed the case of activists and leaders A missing pro s'Indipendentzia Bellomonte Bruno, imprisoned innocent by June 2009. The "red Miner" has publicly denounced the harassment of recently linked to the commitment to this cause.

Andrea Locci, Amsicora independence of the association, and Claudia Zuncheddu, Regional Director of Rossomori, stressed instead the treatment of Sardinian shepherds in recent months: the charge of the forces del'ordine in front of the Regional Council of 19 October, the beating of the breeder stopped at a roadblock at Abbasanta and the "seizure" in the port Civitavecchia on 28 December. According to the president dell'Asarp, Gisella Trincas, we are the "repression everything that is out of the norm. " As for "someone" should be "rule out" the peddler quartese Giuseppe Casu, who died in 2006 while he was hospitalized and content for a mandatory medical treatment in the psychiatric service for diagnosis and treatment of the Holy Trinity of Cagliari.

repression can also take the legal face of the theorem, as in the case of Aldo Scardella - remembered yesterday by his brother Chris - July 2, 1986 who committed suicide in prison in Buoncammino of Cagliari, after six months spent in jail innocent. Meanwhile the system of "surveillance and control continues to improve, clarified Fawzi Ismail di Sardegna Palestine citing the prefect and mayor-union agreement on Tuesday. As reported in a January 25 launch Bend, from now on "no more events on the port side of Via Roma, alternative routes to the same street parades in the case of contemporary iron fist against unauthorized protests." The agreement provides for a John Doe signed by the prefect, the mayor Emilio Floris by some unions: CGIL, CISL, UIL, UGL, CSS, and Confsal Cisal.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best Coleslaw Dressing Bought

notice of press conferences of the associations and movements against repression Tuesday, January 25

to the attention of all the media and their chief editors

Notice of Press Conference
presentation of "Discipline and Punish" Assembly associations and movements against the repressive policies and the criminalization of dissent.

Convocation press conference Tuesday, January 25 at 10:30 am at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / a.

are many and increasingly frequent episodes of criminalization of dissent affecting a steadily more violent and oppressive social movements and individuals. Repression that affects all dimensions of social life. By Sardinian shepherds landed at Civitavecchia and uploaded by the police, the abuse of carcerizzazione the victims of social problems. From the construction of theorems questionable judicial conspiracy against the state against anarchists and separatists, the psychic and physical restraint in psychiatric hospitals. Implementation of laws and directives such as expulsion of the Roma, the strategies of the government to reject migrants. A crackdown also used occasionally by measures such as warnings, and simple but focused "firm" for questioning.

A response against the repressive policies by the Assembly will be held Friday, January 28 at 18:00, in Cagliari at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / a. Dina Ray will introduce the meeting, a representative of Cagliari Social Forum and take part in the lawyer Elias Vacca. An initiative promoted by the Social Forum, Cagliari, Sardinia anticapitalist Collective, Association November 5 and anti-racist network which was followed by numerous accessions to participate and signing the appeal against the repression, as the association Ampsicora the Asarp, the Centre Repression, the association of "Friendship Sardinia Palestine "and the Federation of the Left.

associations in sponsoring a press release wrote that "the face to mounting social problems, the guarantees of freedom of expression and the expression of dissent becomes an asset even more valuable, because they ensure active participation at all the choices that affect their lives and property in common. We can not remain inert in the face of racist policies of the government or united front with the large military commitments to cuts in school, health and research, not before the construction of a nuclear plant or a storage site for nuclear waste, not in front of the continuous depletion of natural resources. " The news report ends with the following appeal: "We can not remain silent, face the fact that unemployment increases and increases as precarious work, blackmailed, that public education is being destroyed at all levels and subject to logical market, many of these problems are more serious and alarming in our Sardinia, which is affected in a particular way of a historical policy of domination. "

At the press conference held Tuesday, January 25 at 10:30 am at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / to be attended by representatives of associations and movements promoting the assembly. Some of your presence Thank you in advance, I wish you a good job.

Roberto Loddo
Association November 5

for information
Mobile: 3316164008

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pain In Shoulder Energy Drink

Province of Naples signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with Federcasalinghe


A Memorandum of Understanding on equal opportunity policies and life balance - work has been signed, Friday, January 14, 2011 at 10 am at the hall Cyril of Palazzo Matteotti with the presence of Joan Judge and President of the National Association Federcasalinghe, Federica Rossi Gasparrini.L 'Understanding is intended to formalize a collaboration to promote awareness raising and local promotion activities aimed at promoting local governance integrate a gender perspective in the planning and implementation of interventions development, to identify issues of priority concern, on which activate specific experiments, to give the maximum boost and maximum effectiveness of the interventions to support women and families. Intervened Commission President Paolo Poggi, Luisa Councillor Equality Day,, the provincial presidents of the Association Federcasalinghe, Dominique Testa and Tina Bird, the Regional President Teresa Gison, the director of education policy area of \u200b\u200bthe Province of Naples Lucia Mazza.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Milena Velba No Disturb

Discipline and Punish! Protests in Cagliari

political repression and criminalization of dissent

Friday, January 28 18:00
Cagliari Cagliari at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Lanusei Street N ° 19 / a

introduces Dina Ray - Cagliari Social Forum
coordinates Roberto Loddo - Association November 5
part Elias Vacca - Lawyer

Cagliari Social Forum
Collective anticapitalist Sardo
Association November 5
Anti-Racist Network

is an old story yet ever present!. At a time when the power is unable to manage social dissent through effective policies and meeting the needs of citizens, here is a recurring experience of political repression, with the general laws (eg crime of illegal immigration for non-EU) or occasional measures (warnings , delays in delivery passport, simple but focused "firm" for questioning, oral warnings) or trying to reduce the manifestations of social conflict to a mere problem of public order. The violence - always inherent to policies that respond with repression to the social conflict occurs-sometimes directly, through laws and directives, as in the expulsion of the Roma or rejections of immigrants with questionable or theorems that identify the critical political opposition to power by a criminal attack on state security. Sometimes however it is expressed in more subtle forms of criminalization of dissent as the ministerial directives that provide for the suspension or dismissal of salary in public administration for those who "make statements detrimental to the image on the Administration" or, with a shameful media campaign, with some attempt to involve trade unions, guilty of failing to bend the dictates of the bosses and the government, suspected outbreaks of violence, with the aim of passing the equation "social conflict equals violence." The economic crisis and political crisis of our house - against a resumption of strong rights struggles - there are fears of a worsening political repression. To mounting social problems before the guarantees of freedom of expression and the expression of dissent becomes an asset even more valuable, because they guarantee to all the participating active in decisions that affect their lives and property in common. We can not remain inert in the face of racist policies of the government or united front with the large military commitments to cuts in school, health and research, not before the construction of a nuclear plant or a storage site for nuclear waste, not in front of the continuous depletion of natural resources. We can not remain silent, face the fact that unemployment increases and increases as precarious work, blackmailed, that public education is being destroyed at all levels and subject to market imperatives, and that many of these problems are more severe and concern in our Sardinia, which is affected in a particular way of a historical policy domain (just think that the territory occupied by military bases in Sardinia is approximately 50% of that occupied the entire country).

We want to participate in decisions that affect us, count in policy-making on common goods and rights, to freely express our disagreement.

To support the appeal please send an email to:

Meaning Of The Shagg Bands

Federica Rossi Gasparrini
National President
OBJECTIVE FAMILY / Federcasalinghe

is pleased to invite you to the Conference

Family and its "House"
Focus on property, mortgages, renovations, adaptations and energy

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 10:30
Chamber of Deputies - the Hall of Columns - Via Poli, 19 - Rome

11.00 Opening Session:

Federica Rossi Gasparrini
National President - Objective Family / FC

Speakers :

Paul Panarelli
General Manager - CONSAP-Dealer Services Insurance Public

Alessandro Messina SpA
ABI - Italian Banking Association

Maria Rosaria Di Summa
Responsible Housing Issues - DOMINA Assoc. Employers Naz.Famiglie job


Maximiliam Cellino
Journalist - Il Sole 24 Ore

13.30 Conclusions works.

For more information:
Donneuropee Federcasalinghe
Provincial President
Dominique Testa
347 6 94 29 89

Why Do I Have Fluid In My Pouch Of Douglas

Friday, January 14, 2011 at 10:00 am at the "Media Room" of the Province of Naples, Piazza Matteotti, 1
There will be a meeting between the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Province Naples Dr. Joan Judge and President of National Association Donneuropee Federcasalinghe Dr. Federica Rossi Gasparrini, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the parties.

All 'event attended by the President of the Commission Dr. Paola Poggi, Councillor for Equal Opportunities Ms. Louise Day, the Equal Opportunities Officer Dr. Lucia Mazza and a significant Federcasalinghe delegation of leaders of the Province of Naples.

Press: Journalist Salvatore Franchini
salvatore.franchini @ - \u200b\u200bPh. +393382794977

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dune Buggy Primary Game


Roberto Loddo
The Psychiatric Service of Diagnosis and Treatment of Cagliari 1 has been moved, temporarily, in a hospital equipped and renovated to house a medical prison facility. E 'complaint as a note in the Sardinian Association for the implementation psychiatric reform that calls for immediate re-opening of the 8 beds 2 mental health centers and experimental Cagliari Quartu. It is not the first time that psychiatry is in the crosshairs of the Sardinian families suffering mental associations. The Psychiatric Service of Diagnosis and Treatment of Cagliari for the first Asarp "is what has caught fire recently." Just a fortnight ago, from Cagliari, had departed the national campaign for the abolition of physical restraint and medication, which called for a change of course in the world of psychiatry by complying with the right to health and human dignity for the suffering mind. But from the front of the associations of family and nothing changed and things have gotten worse, because as president of the statement concludes dell'Asarp Gisella Trincas "A person who turns to the mental health service to be helped to overcome the crisis, he will be hosted in a cell. "
clash in psychiatry takes hold in the Sardinian Regional Council. The regional directors of the PD Marco Giampaolo Espa and Diana have a question for written answer to the President of the region to head of health and Ugo Cappellacci Antonello Liori when asked "what were the reasons behind today to consider a prison facility as a location for accommodation of patients with mental disorders." And "How long have you believe keeping patients in the structure and which intend to take urgent action to reactivate the appropriate structures, as any regional or national health service should be, because of mental health patients can find a welcome in their appropriate health departments. "

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Letter Of Reccomendation Community Service

wishes for a psychiatric service in 2011 FREEDOM '- A Free design Antos.

We want to wish you a different 2011, where the justice system in Italy is consistent with the constitutional principles and human dignity. We do not want to happen more abuse in prisons, and we want to stop the slaughter of the civil and human rights of persons deprived of liberty. That 2011 brings us the guarantor of the rights of detainees and a new law to defend and extend the right to affection of the prisoners and their families. So we are publishing a meaningful picture of a friend of our association, Antos Free, entitled "Freedom." A beautiful design that highlights the need for a simple and straightforward of "liberation from the need of the prison."

Association November 5.