planet' DARK
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Find Shemale Abu Dhabi
Freedom is therapeutic. Saturday, December 18 Conference against the use of restraints. Therapeutic
the attention of all the media and the chief editors
Freedom is therapeutic. Saturday, December 18 there will be a conference organized by the associations "Nov. 5" and "Asarp" against the practice of restraint.
Cagliari is the city from where the national campaign for the abolition of restraint. An appeal filed by the Foundation Franco and Franca Basaglia, by the national association for mental health and the CGIL. "The restraint is not a medical act, but it is an affront to the dignity of the person who suffers it, and is a symptom of serious inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the services that shall ".
The intent is to raise public awareness and the world of psychiatry through the promotion of paths exceeding the restraint. This campaign will develop over the next year and aims to bring out the phenomenon of restraint in its vastness through the testimonies of people who have suffered and their families and friends. Basaglia reform has not yet been fully implemented since these practices do not deny human rights and protect all mental health: "We know that even in private psychiatric clinics, institutions for the elderly in nursing homes and care restraint is a frequent practice, and here unfortunately much more difficult to see, document, control. Not to mention the legal psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric wards of the prison where we know that the restraint is standard practice. "
Saturday, December 18th at 17:00 in Cagliari at the council hall of the Royal Palace in Piazza Palazzo will be held the first conference, coordinated by journalist Sardegna1 Massimilano Rais entitled "Freedom is therapeutic." Many guests and presenters include Angela Quaquero, Vice President of the Province of Cagliari, Maria Grazia Giannichedda Franca Foundation and Mark Levy MD, Gisella Trincas National Union of Associations for Mental Health, Giovanna Del Giudice of the National Health Forum Mental. Daniele Pulino University of Sassari and Giovanni Pinna CGIL Forum - Sardinia.
will also be attended by representatives of committees throughout Italy following the most striking cases of "death by restraint" Joseph Galzerano Committee "Mastrogiovanni Franco and Francesca and Natasha Ziccheddu Casu Committee" Giuseppe Casu. " During the evening, there is the exhibition of paintings by artist Christian Vinci. works that the artist has devoted to the "human dimension of the World" and "poetic disquisitions" the poet Cagliari and writer John Mascia.
Gisella Trincas
Sardinian Association for the implementation of psychiatric reform
Roberto Loddo
Association November 5
in the picture: the wind against all still alive - by Cristiano Vinci
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dizziness Muscle Spasms
Freedom is Saturday, December 18 - Opening of the National Campaign for the Abolition of restraint
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Freedom is therapeutic Opening National Campaign for the removal of restraints Promoted by Foundation Franca and Franco Basaglia Union National Association for Mental Health Conference-Debate with screenings and readings Council Chamber Royal Palace Cagliari Piazza Palazzo December 18, 2010 17:00 organizes Sardinian Association for the Implementation of the Reform Psychiatric Association November 5 participate Maria Grazia Giannichedda Foundation Franca and Franco Basaglia Gisella Trincas UNASAM Giovanna Del Giudice National Forum Mental Health Joseph Galzerano Committee Franco Mastrogiovanni Francesca Ziccheddu Committee Giuseppe Casu Natasha Casu Committee - Giuseppe Casu Daniel Pulino Foundation Franca and Franco Basaglia During the evening, In the theater, there is the exhibition of paintings by Cristiano Vinci. poetic disquisitions the poet and writer John Mascia. coordinate: Roberto Loddo - President of the Association on November 5 Massimiliano Rais - Journalist Sardegna Uno Free admission Info: ASARP 3381597287 - 331,614,008 Ass.5 November FREEDOM 'AND' THERAPEUTIC Appeal of the National Campaign to abolish the restraints Promoters: Foundation Franca and Franco Basaglia National Union of Associations for Mental Health (UNASAM) CGIL Welfare Department and new rights The restraint is not a medical act is an insult to the dignity of the person who suffers and is a symptom of serious inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the services that adopt it. E 'tied to the bed to die on October 24 Mr. Tullio C., admitted to the psychiatric service of diagnosis and treatment (SPDC) "Grossoni 3" Niguarda Hospital in Milan. We do not know if there is a causal link between his death and restraint: where will the investigators to monitor, as is being done in two criminal trials currently underway, one for the death of Giuseppe Casu, in 2006 while he was hospitalized and SPCD contained in the Holy Trinity of Cagliari, and the other for the death of Franco Mastrogiovanni, which occurred in similar circumstances in 2009, the SPDC of Vallo della Lucania (Salerno). But we are not judges. We are citizens who use or may use the services of mental health and in this capacity we have an opinion issued by the time the restraint is always an offense to dignity of the person who suffers and is an indicator of deficiencies or serious - media, design, culture - that concern and call into question the Department of Mental Health as a whole, not just the SPDC who use restraint as a tool for routine . This is true for much of the public psychiatry, where the restraint is relatively transparent and auditable. But we know that even in private psychiatric clinics, institutions for the elderly in nursing home care and restraint is a frequent practice, and here unfortunately much harder to see, document, control. Not to mention the legal psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric wards prison where we know that the restraint is standard practice. On these issues we want to draw attention to promote this campaign. The objects are all practices of restraint, from physical to what is done with the abuse of drug treatment (the "chemical straitjacket"), the different contexts in which the restraint is in place, and similar justifications ("his" well, the less damage), the growing impoverishment of the services that promotes and reinforces these practices who has never challenged. Of all these issues we discuss in this campaign that will develop over the next year and aims to emergence of the phenomenon in its breadth and depth encouraging testimonies of people who have had the restraint and their family and friends. |
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Senate green light to "empty jails" to combat overcrowding. Looks
Roberto Loddo
The Senate approved a final design law that allows home detention for those who have served sentences of less than one year. The "empty jails" should be useful to buffer the explosive situation of overcrowding in Italian prisons in prison waiting for a special plan. A measure that has already been approved in the House and becomes law. They voted for Pdl, Lega Nord and Fli, abstained PD, IDV and UDC. Will benefit by December 31, 2013, all inmates who miss 12 months to complete the period of detention. The prison sentence will be carried out in the home of the offender or in another public or private treatment, care and warmth that can be called a home. The government ensures that the Bill should cover at least seven thousand prisoners, and should allow the recruitment of about 2,000 prison officers to fill the shortage of staff.
no lack of controversy. For the voluntary sector ("Antigone" and "A good law") and the UIL union, "the decree is merely a smokescreen." The many restrictions in the law would restrict the recipients, which would be only 1,500. Also in Sardinia following the excerpt in the bill "empty jails" article which provided for the automatic suspension of the imprisonment with probation in the services industry, professional associations, "Nov. 5" and "Prisoner Unknown" by emphasizing its "useless and Malicious "of the measure. For associations leaving it to judges to decide whether to send a prisoner under house arrest, the sense the bill has been distorted and result in a useless measure. "The prisons sardines remain places of suffering, illegal dumps human, uncivilized and unconstitutional Sardinian and detainees continue to be stored and forgotten in the cells as before."
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has shown that overcrowding in Italian prisons is inhuman and degrading treatment. According to the site "Innocenti avoidance data updated to November 22, 2010, the regulatory capacity is 43,327 units, while the inmates are present. 69,313 of which 25,311 foreigners. For the Ministry of Justice, from the data updated 21 October 2010, the regulatory capacity is 44,962 units, and prisoners are present. 68,795. The Ministry does not provide any data on the presence of foreigners. The prison affects emergency Sardinia. According to the latest data UilPa prisons, prisons of Sardinia, there are a total of 2,368 inmates against a capacity of 1,970, with an average index of overcrowding of 20.2%, the lowest nationally.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Welcome Message For The Groom
For the first time in years of parasitic existence and helpless, just finally myself. The company of others is helpful but not essential, I do not need aid, shoulders to cry on, ears to blurt out secrets which, or to revive an unconscious snails. Now that I have achieved full autonomy, luminous awareness that the other is redundant, now that I've trained my body not to ask for nothing more than my lonely, caring attention, now I understand that the only person I really need is a driver.
Can Waxing Lead To Thrush
briefing on pain
sponsored by the City of Pomigliano d ' Arco (Na)
Live! Better without pain.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 17:00
Center Paul & Rita Borsellino Atria,
Via Locatelli, 29 80038
Pomigliano d'Arco (Na )
You are all invited to the event!
A study promoted by DonnEuropee Federcasalinghe in partnership with Mundipharma Research Center, a representative sample of women in 12 Italian regions, a snapshot of the status of women living with pain. Lazio, Campania and Lombardy regions where the physical pain is more frequent. In contrast, the Friuli Venezia Giulia is a region where the problem is less present.
suffering chronic is a woman and housewife.
This was revealed by the data have emerged from a recent survey by DonnEuropee Federcasalinghe, the main association representing in Italy who held full-time or parttime work, family and Mundipharma Research Center who has been involved in disseminating a proper culture against the "disease pain." According to recent estimates, one third of the housewives would be hit by European cronico.A pain compared with a similar scenario, the survey has set itself the objective of exploring what was the specific situation in our country, through the administration of a questionnaire to 684 Italian home, residents in 12 sample regions: Abruzzo, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto.
We wait!
Provincial President Dominique Testa
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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from prison, the exhibition association S'Umbra
Roberto Loddo
The cultural association S'Umbra sends staged an exhibition of drawings "Looks about prison" by Laurent Jacque. A path of drawings and legends about the violence in the world of jail and living conditions of the sick prisoners. A narrative dramatic photographs - how to write the organizers - "hell of detention, the change of perception of time and proximity to death. " All works were done in prison and are composed of hand-made drawings and collage pieces for newspapers. The exhibition was born in France on the initiative of the association of students for teaching in prison Genepi ", which asks Jacqui 20 designs to create an exhibition project. A September 2010, the show is in the festival "Marina café noir" of Cagliari and will be joined by 15 other original designs submitted by S'Umbra in full. Jacqui Laurent is a French ex-convict. He has written two books on the prison by the very significant title: "Jail guillotine, 2003, Edizioni Nautilus" and "I set fire to the prison, 2010, Jean-Claude Gawsewitch Publisher". It 'also the author of the first blog is run directly from a cell and published on the website of the newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur. " Jacqui in a jail in 1984 at the age of 18 years. He spent 25 years in prison and was released on January 12, 2010. Today it is active in several associations, including assistance for prisoners with AIDS. S'Umbra is a cultural association founded in Cagliari by photographers Charles and Louise Siddall Ciogli in May 2006. An association that is open to anyone interested in developing an aesthetic and a photographic competence in the knowledge that photography can be an instrument of social activity and individual creative stimulus for all. With the organization of a circuit of shows, s'Umbra will provide opportunities for debate and discussion on topics of analog photography and visual arts with photographers from different realities. S'Umbra The Gallery is located in Via San Giuseppe, # 17 in Cagliari and the opening hours of the exhibition are provided daily from 18:00 to 21:00. The exhibition will be open by the opening of Laurent Jacqui Saturday, November 27 to Thursday, December 2.
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Couple With The Same Birthday
Quick nell'Interzona raid. I'm lost between the smells of amber, those voices curry, spicy eyes of young Arabs, like the old, glorious days. Aided by a ginger root nell'Interzona'm back, and it was impossible not to recall when, eyes wide open, ears open, I was ready to seize the slightest whispered proffer, the invitation of the sub-dealer abuse, with notes of fresh cash in his pocket, looking for a familiar face bronzed faces, a look of understanding, the times when I had only set foot outside the station antennas because I stood on end and like a divining rod to guide me through the Interzona, Meeting the Man.
I circumnavigated the garden with the main gate of esoteric Masonic symbols carved walking slowly, shooting glances hours supplicants now investigating looking for a nod, went adrift in the depths of what Chinatown is the "de no caves "crawling in front of local imports and exports perpetually empty, safety covers far more lucrative illegal activities, asking for cigarettes to those who appeared even remotely suspected of other vices well, I stuck my nose in all the Turkish barber shops in search of Ali, Said , Omar, I have stationed in front of the Indian restaurant combating nausea caused by agitation and fried chicken that dall'afrore spread from the kitchen at 10 am, I pulled into the suq, attracted by the shaky record of a sitar, the scent of coriander, I talked to the guys who sell the Algerian mint tea, with the butchers meat halal (lawful) without hide my intentions illegal, I asked the old leather slippers that sit in smoking or chewing khat on the threshold of the market, chew seraphic calm as camels moving jaws carved in wood by setting an indefinite point on the horizon and spitting from time to time, I have offered previously to cadge cigarettes Gypsy resting in the parapet watching the trains depart and arrive, dee dirty climbing on their rafts of cork, which I have followed in their wanderings, driven by an insane desire that tickled me the amygdala, I mixed with people of the abyss, with the arrogance typical of unconsciousness, checazzomidicevailcervello? I stopped in front of the bench Bengali grocer who smiles at me quietly. What do I need? I point the finger with a ginger root, is closer to his arm to mine, I do not get there, hire exotic vegetables separate us. I pay the fragrant, delicious, saving tuber and go home.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
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Show 'Looks at jail, "Tales of Ordinary
Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 19:00
opening of the exhibition
"Looks about prison "
S'Umbra, go in San Jose 17 - Cagliari (Castle)
Show 'Looks at jail' - 35 drawings by Laurent Jacqui on prison
Laurent Jacqui in a jail in 1984, only 18 years. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, he discovers to be HIV positive, and, thinking they were close to death, escapes October 9, 1994 in the hope of dying off. The day chosen is no accident: in France the death penalty was abolished as an October 9, and Laurent Jacqui wants to show that illness in prison are sentenced to death.
Prisoner again, with the status of DPS (especially supervised inmate) that held for 15 years, began to write. In 2003 Laurent Jacqui public carcérale La Guillotine. Silence, on meurt (The guillotina carcerale. Silence, Die), his first book in which he recounts his path.
begins in 2006, from his cell in the prison of Moulins, the first detainee to blog, "Vu de prison" (look from prison), which is published on the website of the newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur , avoiding censorship of the prison. In this blog "pirate" says 25 years in prison, five years of isolation: the complaint, the violence generated by the prison system, the absence of meaning of the sentence, prison conditions that encourage recidivism, and the fate of the sick. In 2010, the blog becomes a book: the J'ai mis feu à la prison (I set fire to the prison ).
On January 12, 2010, Jacqueline Laurent exit. She continues her blog (which is now called "Vue sur la prison" (look on the prison) and works for the Nouvel Observateur and several associations fighting against AIDS. He joined the University to study literature, organizes exhibitions and wrote a play. A film is shooting on his life, with actor Stomy Bugsy and rapper in the role of Laurent Jacque.
The exhibition "Glimpses from prison. In May 2010 the" Genepi 'association of students for education in prison has asked Laurent Jacqui 20 designs to create a traveling exhibition; The exhibition arrives in Cagliari in September at the Marina Café Noir festival with 15 other original designs. Drawings and legends tell of the prison, its violence, the hell of detention, the change in perception of time and proximity to death. All works were done in prison and are composed of hand-made drawings and collage pieces for newspapers.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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injustice: the drama of the novel becomes Aldo Scardella
Roberto Loddo
The dramatic event that features Aldo Scardella the young man arrested in Cagliari with the heavy charges of murder for robbery, and later died in prison, is commemorated in a book that will be presented Monday, December 3, in the municipal library of Sinnington, to 18.30. The novel, significantly entitled "Aldo Scardella, the drama of an innocent man," was written by Vittorio Melis, who will this with his brother Aldo, Cristiano Scardella, the regional director of the Red Mori, Claudia Zuncheddu, and the actress Marta Proietti Orzella that will read a few snippets of the novel.
Vittorio Melis's novel tells the story of Aldo. A young university student of 24 years who lived about 150 meters from the scene of the crime. He was arrested and charged with the murder of the owner of the Via dei Bevimarket Donoratico and no evidence was put in prison in solitary confinement. Forced to wait a week to meet with his lawyer and well four months before getting an interview with the family. Aldo had told his family of the harassment and attempts to extort a confession, and how the justice system drew on his face that of a hardened criminal.
But Aldo was not given in to threats and until the last had continued to profess innocence. The story of Aldo is crossed by dramatic contradictions that were never clarified. On July 2, 1986, seven months after his arrest, was found dead with a noose around his neck in his cell. In his blood were found traces of methadone despite not being subjected to such treatment. A circumstance which led in 2006 to reopen the file to check any criminal responsibility of this strange death.
Meanwhile in 1996 the real robbers were arrested, convicted of murdering dealer in Cagliari. Aldo was innocent. In 25 years from these tragic events the novel by Victor Melis is a complaint that wants to come out civil society sensitive to the drama of malagiustizia. The meeting between the protagonists of the novel, the old uncle Nico and Professor John XXIII on the benches of the square is the setting for the reports and the reports on the interrogation reports of the courts. This novel is not just the story of Aldo Scardella. It is also clear and rational analysis on the tragedy of justice in Italy is too far from civilization and international law. Vittorio Melis, the plaque present in the courtroom "The law is equal for all" should be changed to "The law must always be equal for all" and must not be allowed as it is currently behind the court but on the wall in front of their eyes, because I can see it at any time and keep it in mind. "
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Meeting with Supervisor of prisoners of Rovigo Livio Ferrari on the situation of Italian prisons
Association "Beyond Bars" ONLUS
commonly At "The Hill" in Serdiana
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 20:30
The situation of Italian prisons
meeting / confrontation with Livio Ferrari
guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of liberty of Rovigo, author of the book
" of justice and not revenge " Ed Gruppo Abele
coordinates Roberta Mannarino, President Cooperative "Roots"
S'Otta city - Tel & Fax 070 743923 - 09040 Serdiana
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Waht Happened To Fakku
Presentation of the book on Michael Schirru, the Sardinian anarchist shot for the intention to kill Mussolini
of Roberto Loddo
"Fusilatu 10 Sardos isseperatos dae thang up regime. A Executioner on your un'istrada have the donatu "(I have shot ten Sardinian exacerbated by the regime. Executioner When you have dedicated a street). So begins the song dedicated to Michael from the band Schirru Sardinian Kenzo Neke. But the Sardinian anarchist will be remembered Thursday, November 11 (to 17) in Cagliari, in the council chamber of the former Chapel of Province of Cagliari (by Judge William), where associations "5Novembre" and "Asarp", under the patronage of the Province of Cagliari, presenting the book won the National Literary Prize "Grazia Deledda", "Michele Schirru life, travel, stop , imprisonment, trial and death of the anarchist Italian-American shot for the 'intention' to kill Mussolini. (Giuseppe Galzerano, Galzerano publisher - and memories of the People Acts, 1136 pages with 81 photos and documents).
During the presentation, the actress Gisella Vacca read several fragments of the book and associations collect signatures in support of the submission of a bill to guarantee affectivity to detainees. Joseph Galzerano is also responsible for the publishing house "Galzerano Editor", which publishes the series of "books of the other Italy". A collection of works dedicated to the social and political history, anarchism, anti-fascism, through the chronicles of 'migration and peasant uprisings. issues were discussed and proposed by the publisher to "give voice to the rebels and revolutionaries, the vanquished and suffering."
Like the book on the life of Michael Schirru. The work reconstructs, through a' thorough documentary research and a lucid historical analysis, the life of the anarchist Sardinia. Schirru, thirty-two, became an American citizen who emigrated in 1931 Italy is in the U.S. for an attempt on the life of Benito Mussolini. On the evening of February 3, 1931, caught in bed with a Hungarian dancer, was arrested in Rome, and confesses his intentions tyrannicide. At the news of the arrest, in Sardinia, sister, female secretary of the beam, and his brother priest, they deny him. So does the father in France. Referred to the Special Court, Michele Schirru who is not guilty or to have committed or any act of attempting to achieve his purpose, is sentenced to death, to the applause of the fascists and the press controlled by the regime. The sentence is an aberrant judicial monstrosity. The shot in the back is executed at dawn the next day. The firing squad on the orders of Mussolini, is formed by twenty-four volunteers Sardinians.
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associations "Asarp" and "5Novembre" They have the book on Michael Schirru. A signature
During the presentation of the book will collected signatures in support of the presentation of a national law to guarantee the right of detainees to affection.
The call can be freely extended to people you know.
Organizing Committee:
ASARP cell.3381597287
ASSOCIATION November 5 cell.3316164008
Galzerano PUBLISHER tel. 0974.62028
ASARP - Sardinian Association for the Implementation of the Psychiatric Reform
Association November 5
With the support of the Province of Cagliari
Grazia Deledda Prize 2010 Presentation of the book:
MICHELE schirru. Life, travel, arrest, imprisonment, trial and death of the anarchist Italian-American shot for the 'intention' of kill Mussolini
Galzerano Publisher
17 Hours Thursday, November 11: 00
Ex Capella Council Chamber of the Province of Cagliari Cagliari
Judge William Street (entrance in Via Ciusa)
17 Hours Thursday, November 11: 00
Ex Capella Council Chamber of the Province of Cagliari Cagliari
Prof. Joseph Galzerano
Angela Quaquero - Vice President of the Province of Cagliari
Gisella Trincas - President ASARP
Roberto Loddo - President of the Association on November 5
coordinates Massimiliano Rais - Journalist Sardegna1
Gisella Vacca read several fragments of the book.
The call can be freely extended to people you know.
Organizing Committee:
ASARP cell.3381597287
ASSOCIATION November 5 cell.3316164008
Galzerano PUBLISHER tel. 0974.62028
Friday, October 29, 2010
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to improve the lives of prisoners, part of the petition associations sardines
A signature to make prison more livable. And the more human scale. Associations "November 5th" and "Asarp" (Sardinian Association for the implementation of psychiatric reform) have launched the initiative "free love". Which is a collection of signatures for the submission of a law for the detainees the right to affection. The aim of the associations, which have found support from some family members of inmates Buoncammino is to make life more human behind bars at the end of the sentence to promote the reintegration into family and society. A bill presented to the existing House of Representatives in 1997 by the then deputy Giuliano Pisapia but so far remained a dead letter. The bill consists of four short articles that provide the construction of suitable premises within prisons and in designated areas outdoors, where inmates will be able to maintain loving relationships with loved ones without visual inspection. Permits may last up to fifteen days imprisonment for each semester and foreign prisoners who have no visits from their families, will be granted fortnightly telephone conversations, for a time larger than that required by current standards. A mobilization that does not stop there but also has a practical side in front of the detention facilities. E 'for this reason that every Monday, at 14 organizations and family members meet in front of the prison to collect Buoncammino signatures of all citizens sensitive to the civil and human rights of persons deprived of their liberty and to denounce the illegal and unconstitutional conditions in prisons sardines. E 'for months in fact, that the associations are asking the world of politics to "respect the law and Bindi preparing the transfer of prison health care powers of the national health service." A situation that, explaining how the developers "risk of creating a health disaster without precedent, denying the right to health and set out the difference in treatment between citizens and free detained nationals." Roberto Loddo
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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"The satisfaction for the rehabilitation of health care in the prisons of the island is overshadowed by bitterness for the absurd block of 20 days." This was stated by Maria Grazia Caligaris, president of the association Socialism Rights Reforms that took several steps to prevent the confrontation between the Region and the Ministry of Justice had even more serious consequences of the great inconvenience suffered by the prisoners in about three weeks, by staff in the prison service and health professionals.
has been created - said Caligaris - a situation, in many ways incomprehensible and paradoxical given that it would still have to provide for the expenditure to ensure "an act of civilization" as defined by the Assessor Liori. Why wait for the protests and the mobilization of the judiciary? In fact you left off the virtuous circle that must exist between the institutions of a democratic state with specific responsibilities in a sensitive area such as the health of persons deprived of liberty. "
E 'desirable - Caligaris claims - that the House swiftly sarda adopting the rules implementing the statute, which provides for January 1, the transfer of powers and duties in relation to prison health the health service, archives permanently this ugly page.
Friday, October 15, 2010
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RIGHTS! Monday, October 18 14:00 Buoncammino in front of the prison.
Hello friends,
inform you of an important event. As every week, Monday, 18 at 14:00 we will meet in front of the prison Buoncammino together for the families of prisoners. But this time we should be all. All sensitive citizens and associations that defend civil and human rights every day of the detainees. It will also present the crew of the television program "live" that had permission to enter the prison and take pictures. The health disaster no transfer of powers to the national health service is likely to generate a massacre of many innocent people. This infamous and dramatic deleted the rule of law and did the massacre of constitutional principles. But civil society can not leave indifferent and silent.
mobilize to take back all right!
Monday 18 to ore14: 00
in front of the prison Buoncammino
will be an opportunity to denounce aloud the illegal and unconstitutional conditions of jails Italian and Sardinian. We will not rest until the guarantor will be set up for the rights of persons deprived of liberty. Until it is approved a law that guarantees the right of detainees and to affection for the measures alternative to imprisonment. I ask you to commit to spread this message and participate.
A Monday!
Association November 5
Association November 5
cellulare: 3316164008
Mail: associazione5novembre@gmail. com
Blog: http://associazione5novembre.
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