to the attention of all the media and their chief editors
Notice of Press Conference
presentation of "Discipline and Punish" Assembly associations and movements against the repressive policies and the criminalization of dissent.
Convocation press conference Tuesday, January 25 at 10:30 am at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / a.
are many and increasingly frequent episodes of criminalization of dissent affecting a steadily more violent and oppressive social movements and individuals. Repression that affects all dimensions of social life. By Sardinian shepherds landed at Civitavecchia and uploaded by the police, the abuse of carcerizzazione the victims of social problems. From the construction of theorems questionable judicial conspiracy against the state against anarchists and separatists, the psychic and physical restraint in psychiatric hospitals. Implementation of laws and directives such as expulsion of the Roma, the strategies of the government to reject migrants. A crackdown also used occasionally by measures such as warnings, and simple but focused "firm" for questioning.
A response against the repressive policies by the Assembly will be held Friday, January 28 at 18:00, in Cagliari at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / a. Dina Ray will introduce the meeting, a representative of Cagliari Social Forum and take part in the lawyer Elias Vacca. An initiative promoted by the Social Forum, Cagliari, Sardinia anticapitalist Collective, Association November 5 and anti-racist network which was followed by numerous accessions to participate and signing the appeal against the repression, as the association Ampsicora the Asarp, the Centre Repression, the association of "Friendship Sardinia Palestine "and the Federation of the Left.
associations in sponsoring a press release wrote that "the face to mounting social problems, the guarantees of freedom of expression and the expression of dissent becomes an asset even more valuable, because they ensure active participation at all the choices that affect their lives and property in common. We can not remain inert in the face of racist policies of the government or united front with the large military commitments to cuts in school, health and research, not before the construction of a nuclear plant or a storage site for nuclear waste, not in front of the continuous depletion of natural resources. " The news report ends with the following appeal: "We can not remain silent, face the fact that unemployment increases and increases as precarious work, blackmailed, that public education is being destroyed at all levels and subject to logical market, many of these problems are more serious and alarming in our Sardinia, which is affected in a particular way of a historical policy of domination. "
At the press conference held Tuesday, January 25 at 10:30 am at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Via Cagliari Lanusei N ° 19 / to be attended by representatives of associations and movements promoting the assembly. Some of your presence Thank you in advance, I wish you a good job.
Roberto Loddo
Association November 5
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