political repression and criminalization of dissent
Friday, January 28 18:00
Cagliari Cagliari at the headquarters of the Social Forum in Lanusei Street N ° 19 / a
introduces Dina Ray - Cagliari Social Forum
coordinates Roberto Loddo - Association November 5
part Elias Vacca - Lawyer
Cagliari Social Forum
Collective anticapitalist Sardo
Association November 5
Anti-Racist Network
is an old story yet ever present!. At a time when the power is unable to manage social dissent through effective policies and meeting the needs of citizens, here is a recurring experience of political repression, with the general laws (eg crime of illegal immigration for non-EU) or occasional measures (warnings , delays in delivery passport, simple but focused "firm" for questioning, oral warnings) or trying to reduce the manifestations of social conflict to a mere problem of public order. The violence - always inherent to policies that respond with repression to the social conflict occurs-sometimes directly, through laws and directives, as in the expulsion of the Roma or rejections of immigrants with questionable or theorems that identify the critical political opposition to power by a criminal attack on state security. Sometimes however it is expressed in more subtle forms of criminalization of dissent as the ministerial directives that provide for the suspension or dismissal of salary in public administration for those who "make statements detrimental to the image on the Administration" or, with a shameful media campaign, with some attempt to involve trade unions, guilty of failing to bend the dictates of the bosses and the government, suspected outbreaks of violence, with the aim of passing the equation "social conflict equals violence." The economic crisis and political crisis of our house - against a resumption of strong rights struggles - there are fears of a worsening political repression. To mounting social problems before the guarantees of freedom of expression and the expression of dissent becomes an asset even more valuable, because they guarantee to all the participating active in decisions that affect their lives and property in common. We can not remain inert in the face of racist policies of the government or united front with the large military commitments to cuts in school, health and research, not before the construction of a nuclear plant or a storage site for nuclear waste, not in front of the continuous depletion of natural resources. We can not remain silent, face the fact that unemployment increases and increases as precarious work, blackmailed, that public education is being destroyed at all levels and subject to market imperatives, and that many of these problems are more severe and concern in our Sardinia, which is affected in a particular way of a historical policy domain (just think that the territory occupied by military bases in Sardinia is approximately 50% of that occupied the entire country).
We want to participate in decisions that affect us, count in policy-making on common goods and rights, to freely express our disagreement.
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