Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Danby Microwave Constantly Beeping

won a battle of civilizations. Approved the regional law establishing the "guarantor of detainees."

From Sardinia, where the prison operators are doing their utmost to avoid extreme situations, a signal arrives at last of legal culture. Yesterday 01/02/2011 the Regional Council approve the revised versions of the bill Rossomori Regional Councillor Claudia Zuncheddu (Proposal No. 137, 19/03/2011) and the Civil Rights Commission (proposal No. 233 of 25.11.2011) on the establishment of the Supervisor of persons subject to any restriction of personal freedom.

The Supervisor will be an autonomous body, outside and independent with the task of ensuring the effective enforcement of social and civil rights to persons detained in prisons. This figure must be chosen from among persons of high moral profile with experience in the field of penitentiary law. In order to ensure the proper function of the Guarantor shall be assigned different functions, including the "collaboration with the judicial and penal institutions," with "association with the operators of the treatment and intramural and extramural" , with the "management of institutions" and "agents and officers of the prison service, the promotion and support of cultural initiatives promoted for and by prisoners. It should also support the implementation of the program points out in the various Memoranda of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, among which are: the territoriality of Penalty: recurring problem in our debates and still unresolved for the Sardinians, as there is an Italian law that is applied in Sardinia, promotion and health education in the narrow prison of Sardinia and the treatment of toxic alcohol dependent ; education, employment and social reintegration.

The bill arises from the dramatic prison Sardinia: a disaster of law and justice within the walls that inevitably leads to the violation of human rights covered by international law .

Cl audia Zuncheddu - Regional Councillor Red Mori
Ro Alberto Loddo - Association November 5

We are facing an important step, which will give a figure of Sardinia basic protection, more and more necessary at a time like this that you regard the prison transformed into a real emergency sociale.La bill establishing the figure of the "Regional Supervisor for the rights of persons subjected to any restriction of personal freedom, "was born from the plight prison in Sardinia. Emergency, denounced not only by voluntary associations, families of prisoners and the press, but several regional directors during visits to the prisons of Sardinia have been able to detect at first. The need el ' importance of establishing the position of "Supervisor for the rights of persons deprived of liberty" was born from the need to create a link between prisoners, families, associations, cooperatives and social institutions. A figure of mediation which monitors compliance with and implementation of Article 27 of the Constitution, which states that the punishment can not consist in treatment contrary to human dignity and must aim at rehabilitating the offender. In fact, the prisoner, keeps intact the right to health, personal dignity, and shall have access to treatment if it is to recovery and reintegration, including through study, training, work in prisons, the use of time in gambling activities and socialize with other inmates or voluntary workers lay or religious.

The disaster emergency in the prisons and sardines. Prisons sardines live a real disaster and its legality and justice. overcrowding, with an excess of prisoners and staff shortages, poor hygiene conditions, the general state of neglect, inevitably leads to the violation of human rights covered by international law. But surely the solution is not to be found in "new" prisons. We must think of a serious prison reform and appropriate to the times, hence the deep social changes and new requirements relating to the need to decriminalize ordinary crimes such as those associated with drug addiction. Of the twelve institutions in Sardinia, there are three penal colonies, whose geographic isolation and distance from urban centers with medical facilities poses new problems related to the fact that currently held, a high percentage of drug addicts suffering from serious infectious diseases and psychiatric disorders, require constant medical care and facilities for emergencies, within easy reach.

The functions of guardian of the detainees. From Sardinia, where operators are doing their utmost to avoid extreme situations, a signal arrives at last legal culture. During today, the regional council approves the revised versions of the bill of the Committee on Civil Rights and the Regional Councillor Claudia Zuncheddu. The Supervisor will be an autonomous body, outside and independent with the task of ensuring the effective enforcement of social and civil rights to persons detained in prisons. The figure of the Ombudsman shall be chosen from among persons of high moral profile with experience in law penitentiary. In order to ensure the proper function of the Guarantor shall be assigned different functions, including the "collaboration with the judicial and penal institutions," with "association with the operators of the intramural and extramural treatment" with "management of institutions" and "agents and officers of the prison service, the promotion and support cultural initiatives promoted for and by prisoners. The Supervisor will support the implementation of the program points out in the various Memoranda of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, among which are: the territorial nature of the sentence: recurring problem in our debates, and to date unresolved for the Sardinians, as there is an Italian law that is applied in Sardinia, promotion and health education in the narrow prison of Sardinia and the treatment of toxic alcohol and employees, education and the reintegration employment and social integration.


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