UNITALSI armerina initiatives at the annual World Day of the Sick.
The National Union of Italian Transport of the Sick to Lourdes and Shrines International subsection Piazza Armerina, at the XIX World Day of the Sick, has launched a series of initiatives that will culminate with the celebration of the Eucharist on February 11 , presided over by Bishop Michele Pennisi at the Church of St. Antonio Piazza Armerina.
February 11 is a good day for the world Unitalsi, since the same day 153 years ago in Lourdes the Virgin Mary appeared for the first time to Bernadette Soubirous.
"The World Day of the Sick is a day to celebrate solemnly - says Professor Alfina Trebastoni Castro, President of the Association - in fact, on that day, all over Italy will unitalsiana in white uniform, for us the exceptional nature of 'event is given by the presence of the bishop who will not let us miss his help and his closeness to Rev. Pennisi is my, our, through unconditional. "
"this year than in years past, we will share the initiatives that revolve around this day even with the visitors of nursing homes armerina" San Jose "and" Mouthful of the Poor "on 7 and Feb. 12, 13 however, there Valguarnera will be a celebration, where we have a large group Unitalsi and many disabled members. In particular my invitation, in occasion of these initiatives is aimed at young people. I contacted the principals of the schools and in the coming months we will start the meetings, call the boys, who are the nost future, to approach our association, to instill in them a love for our Unitalsi, which means love for the suffering, love for the needy, I would take them to Lourdes, the emotion of the pilgrimage to Lourdes is unique, unforgettable experience, young people who are willing to return for the first time ever. This is our hope for the future - said Castro Alfina Trebastoni - the constant presence and help the younger generation. "
The theme of the message of Pope Benedict XVI "By his wounds you were healed" on the occasion of the celebration of the XIX World Day of the Sick will be developed in various training sessions organized by a sub Unitalsi piazzese. Marta
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