Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Indian Heroines Affair

Piazza Armerina. The "go project" at school and Anfe Confartigianato.

Starts the "Project Go!" Promoted dall'Anfe, the regional delegation of Enna, chaired by Vincenzo Savarino, in collaboration with provincial Confartigianato Enna, chaired by Mario Cascio. The project, on Thursday, March 10, will involve two schools of Piazza Armerina: the Technical Economic and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" Istituto Tecnico Industriale "E. Majorana ".

So the school opens its doors to the business world and training. The recipients of the actions planned by Sportelli School / Work, students will be the third, fourth and fifth years of vocational schools and students of the fourth and fifth year institutions technicians who completed compulsory education wishing to enter the world of work.
Reception, information guidance, individual counseling, vocational guidance, professional guidance. These services provided by operators of the two one-stop school and work: organized structures, including mobile ones, which operate throughout the region to integrate and strengthen the activities offered by the Employment Services. Services, these to be addressed not only to children but also to the families and school workers, unemployed people (long term) and to persons in severe social problems and who are at risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
"We will mainly to make the action of professional guidance - Zarba said Rosa, provincial secretary of Confartigianato - We will support those who are in a definition phase of their project work and job search by organizing opportunities to meet with businesses, governments local organizations and institutions of economic and social territory. We have provided assistance for the purpose of seeking employment, self-promotion and entry into working life, the definition of a business plan and business activities, even to the female. "
"The initiative promoted dall'Anfe, in collaboration with the institutions and Confartigianato Technical Piazza Armerina, is a valuable opportunity for students who seek an alternative route to the traditional forms of 'entry into the world of work - said Philip Sanfilippo, coordinator of school desks Anfe the province of Enna - but above all, a strong identification with a proactive and productive way of thinking. "
Rosa Zarba, provincial secretary of Confartigianato, and Heloise Tamburella, head of ATM Security Confartigianato Provincial Technical Institute will be economic and technological "Leonardo Da Vinci" Thursday, March 10 and the Industrial Technical Institute "E. Majorana, "Monday, March 14 from 9.30 onwards. Marta


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